Presenting the five books of Moses from a distinctly Messianic Jewish perspective, the Messianic Torah Devotional will forever change the way you see your relationship with God. The topics of Torah–from the fundamental to the fiery–are sure to stir you toward a life of unparalleled holiness and commitment to the Master, Yeshua. With devotional writings corresponding to each of the Torah portions as defined by the traditional Jewish annual reading cycle, the Messianic Torah Devotional illuminates Israel’s distinguishing covenant as a rich source of nourishment for the hungry disciple of Messiah. Join Messianic Jewish teacher and author Kevin Geoffrey in this third offering from the Messianic Devotional series, as he leads you on a humbling journey from the Garden to the Jordan, and encourages you to continue developing the life-transforming discipline of devotion.
Debra Roberts –
I am enjoying the devotion. It is giving me a deeper appreciation of the books of Moses. I neglected these books for years; noting legalism. I am starting to see the fallacy of my thinking. thank you for this book!
Sandra Hudson –
I have thoroughly enjoyed this devotional. There are many occasions that I return to certain aspects that have been brought to light; too many to mention here. The unique way that Kevin journeys through the Torah makes it a delight, and it is such a learning experience for me. I especially like the powerful and heartfelt prayers at the end of each devotion.
Curt McCarthy –
Now is the Perfect time to treat yourself to a deeper walk with this devotional. It will truly bless you and provide you with a deeper appreciation of the annual reading of Torah. It’s all about seeing Yeshua in Torah!
Patricia Yandell –
I have just finished using the Torah devotional for the first year. Using this after committing myself to the readings propelled me into prayer and thanksgiving. I am looking forward to all the Lord will graciously reveal in this next year of devotion to His magnificent Torah.
Mary Upham –
This is a rich feast of God’s Word. I like the emphasis of reading the same chapters for a full week. After reading the week’s Devotional, I often go to the piano and praise and worship my Lord. Thanks Kevin, I am blessed beyond words!
Judith M. Johnson –
This devotional has been such a blessing to someone who was like ‘cut flowers’ separated from my roots. I am a gentile believer in Messiah Yeshua so I really appreciated the connections made to Him. It really pulls it all together.
B J Holley –
Great devotional.
Jackeline Rolly (verified owner) –
Since I started reading the Torah devotional I discovered what a wonderful blessing I was missing even if reading my Messianic daily devotional, when I got this devotional I started reading both and is a such of blessings and helping to continue to follow the steps of forefathers, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful blessings with us!
Shalom to you.
Charlene Lovett (verified owner) –
My daughter and I read this together every night. It is the best devotional we’ve every had! Blessings!
Roxanne M. Husmann (verified owner) –
Love this devotional and read at our shabbat dinner every week. Been using it for years! Bought these last two for gifts.
Thank you!
Anita Kizzie (verified owner) –
I’ve always believed that the Bible interprets itself. Because Holy Spirit is its Author, that’s the only way to read and understand it. Whenever I read Kevin’s books, I experience the same interpretations from my studying.
Confirmation abounds after reading the scripture verses and chapters before reading the devotionals. Putting in the extra time and diligence to “study through” is so worth it!
Thank you Kevin for your Berean’s heart!
Anita Kizzie (verified owner) –
I see Jesus in every devotional!
Anita Kizzie (verified owner) –
Thank you Kevin for helping me to be a better Berean!
Rodney (verified owner) –
There is nothing like having a book in your hands and to have one that is so impactful makes it even better. I appreciate Kevin’s work on these books, of which I own many of.
Arlynda Almond –
Hello! This is a wonderful resource to my continued learning of Torah! I am so pleased with its structure, explanations, and format! I praise the Father for its use along with my studying Torah. I am filled with joy and humility as to what the Father has show me, and others, who are diligently seeking Him and His ways. Yah’s blessings upon those who use this to grow their knowledge of His mitzvah! Thank you, Perfect Word!