In the world of Bible study, there are several types of great tools, such as Concordances and Lexicons, to help us successfully navigate the teachings of the Bible. Beyond these, many people also rely on secondary, extra-biblical sources for their study, knowledge and understanding—and for good reason. There is an inordinate amount of Bible-related information that is simply not contained or well-developed in the Bible. But the problem is that, when it comes to understanding Scripture itself, many will mistakenly turn to secondary sources first, rather than to God’s word. Secondary sources make it extremely easy to find answers to biblical questions… perhaps, too easy. Read more
The Bible—the written word of God—is perfect and true. But sometimes, it’s not exactly easy to understand. So when we come across a word or concept that doesn’t quite make sense, or it seems contradictory or inconsistent, we might need some help figuring it out. And the very first place we should look to help us understand anything we read in the Bible is… Read more
There is only one way to get the biblically correct answer to every single Bible question: we must first ask ourselves, “What do the Scriptures say?” But the problem with the Bible—if you can call it a problem—is that the information we’re looking for is often spread out and sprinkled in various places, which doesn’t exactly make it easy to find. So when we need help navigating the Scriptures in order to readily and thoroughly search what they say, then it’s time for us to turn to Bible study tools.
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The Master Yeshua is unlike any man who ever walked the earth for the very reason that He is exactly like every other man… and yet, not at all. It’s this fully God/fully man paradox or “dual nature” that has perplexed and frustrated both the faithful and the skeptic since the beginning. The biblical fact of Yeshua’s simultaneous, unmingled deity and humanity is more than just a theological side note or curiosity—it’s at the heart of the message of the Good News. Because without one or the other, He can be neither our savior nor our example. Unless He is both, He is not the biblical Messiah who can save.
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Sometimes we don’t particularly like what the Scriptures say, or, for some reason, we think there must be more to it—that it can’t be as simple and straightforward as it appears. So instead of just asking the question “What do the Scriptures say,” we start asking ourselves, “Is that really what that Scripture says?” or, “Is that all that that Scripture says?” and our search for the truth becomes an exercise in misinformation.
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We see it in the news all the time: a politician is quoted as saying something incorrect or offensive; a video captures something blatantly racist or unjust. But only later do we find out that what was reported was only part of the story. When we learn more about what was said or what happened—both immediately before and after what seemed so offensive or unjust—it often turns out that those short clips were taken out of context. Then, once we see everything in context—with all the surrounding facts and information—it completely changes our understanding. Or, at least, it should. Read more
Many believers aren’t particularly discriminating when it comes to choosing a Bible translation. We’ll often choose one because we like the way it reads, or because it’s the version our pastor or rabbi uses—making it easier to follow along during the sermon—or simply because someone told us it was good, based on any number of criteria. All of these reasons are certainly worth considering, but the problem is that not all Bible translations are created equal. There is a great deal going on in the background in each Bible version that isn’t always obvious to us as end-users.
The Bible is simple to understand—not necessarily easy or without some work, but simple. When we read the words of Scripture—guided by the Spirit of Truth, and taking the right approach to understanding those words —we can then learn, comprehend and apply what the Bible says. If you truly want to correctly understand the Bible, then there is one thing that you absolutely must do that will give you the only biblically correct answer to every single Bible question—every single time.
Whether or not the Bible is true is at the heart of every question of biblical belief. Because if it isn’t true, then the God of the Bible doesn’t exist, and we’re free to think and do as we please. But if it is true—if the Bible really is the written word of God—then there is Someone greater than us who loves us, but to whom we also have to answer. Read more
With the rate at which our society continues to degrade, I’ve been seriously asking myself this question: What’s the use in teaching the Bible anymore? Why does showing people what the Bible says even matter—much less trying to help them have a correct understanding of God’s word? Read more