The means and methods by which the Holy Spirit—the Ruach HaQodesh—connects and interacts with us are described in the Scriptures in multiple different ways. Though related, these descriptions do have distinctions, and noting the differences can help us get a clearer picture of how the Spirit operates, how we can be receptive to that interaction, and how His connection to us empowers us to live spiritually in Messiah. Here is a very brief overview of those interactions.
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In the unseen, intangible, yet very real spiritual world intersecting with our material one, God works through His unique and set-apart Holy Spirit—the Ruach HaQodesh. As followers of Messiah, it is essential to learn about the Ruach for our understanding of how to live spiritually in the Master. We need the Ruach HaQodesh in order to latch us to the risen Yeshua, anchor us to our Creator, and make real in our hearts and minds the guarantee of our salvation. Read more

Imagine an entire generation of believers in Yeshua whose testimony was simply this: “I came to know Yeshua at a very young age. And because of that, I’ve never walked in sin or the ways of the world, and I’ve completely devoted myself to Him all the days of my life.” Can you imagine what a generation like that could accomplish for God? And yet, in far too many ways, believers today look and act just like the world. Why? Read more

There is a great deal at stake in this year’s presidential and down-ballot elections. Illegal immigration, government spending, and national debt are totally unsustainable. Our justice system and laws are being politically weaponized and unequally applied. We have no unbiased press to keep the people truthfully informed and our leaders honest. The future of free speech and parental rights hangs in the balance. And yet, many of us who claim Yeshua as Messiah just can’t seem to keep ourselves from thinking that elections can fix all this. Many of us still hold onto old, antiquated ideas about voting in America, and believe that elections can still save our country—can save us—and set things right. Read more

One Year Since October 7

October 7 was supposed to be a nice day.

It was supposed to be a day for concluding the Feast of Sukkot, resting for Shabbat, and enjoying a day with family.

Instead, I woke up to see a message from my father: “Israel caught off guard; under attack.Read more

Believers in Messiah today are increasingly declining in their stand for biblical truth. Collectively, we are less likely to believe in and live by the absolute standard of Scripture, and more likely to compromise on, tolerate, and embrace unbiblical beliefs and sinful behaviors. We have lost ground and influence in the society outside us, while we have been slowly losing our future generations from within. According to nearly every metric, we are a Body that is atrophying, splintered, malnourished, and weak. Read more

In his 2020 American Worldview Inventory, Christian researcher George Barna concluded that biblical belief in the United States was an at all-time low. Three short years later in 2023, his repeat of the same survey revealed the reality that things have only gotten shockingly worse. Here is what the research shows, and what we as the last of the biblical believers can do about it. Read more

When you walk into a Messianic synagogue service on Shabbat, you’re highly likely to hear and see things like head coverings, prayer shawls, liturgy and siddurs, the reading of the Torah portion, a Torah scroll processional, the kiddush, the hamotzi, and the traditional Jewish blessings. Throughout Messianic Judaism and the various Jewish/Hebraic roots movements, such elements—adopted from traditional, rabbinic Judaism—have become inseparably blended into Messianic culture and expression. But what do these traditions and customs accomplish for us as disciples of Messiah? Read more

In today’s abortion debate, one side maintains that abortion is wrong because killing a baby (at any stage of life) is murder, which the Bible clearly condemns (Ex. 20:13, De. 5:17). The other side, however, argues that abortion is not murder since an unborn baby is not a person, but nothing more than a clump of cells, a parasite, or a tumor. While Scripture has nothing to say whatsoever on the topic of elective abortion, God’s word does teach us whether an unborn baby has any value, and, more than that, whether God considers it a person. It is this instruction that we can then apply to the subject of abortion.

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Communion is one of the main sacramental rites of Christianity, believed to have been instituted by Yeshua Himself at His last supper. But when the Master said to His disciples that the bread is “My body” and that the cup is “the New Covenant in My blood” (Luke 22:19), was He really initiating a new ordinance for believers? What did He actually mean? The context gives us our answer.

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