The Messianic Jewish Literal Translation of the New Covenant Scriptures (MJLT NCS)—Matit’yahu (Matthew) through Revelation—is a fresh, vibrant translation of the “New Testament” unlike any other. Based on the groundbreaking Young’s Literal Translation (YLT), the MJLT NCS is an exhaustive update and re-rendering of the YLT for the modern, Messianic reader. It is designed not only to provide a reliable 21st century version of the text, but also to further restore the true, Messianic Jewish perspective of Scripture that is often obscured by deeply ingrained anti-Jewish, anti-Torah preconceptions.
This distinctive Bible version contains several uncommon features that set it apart from other translations, including: literal translation, Hebrew embedded within the English text, reordering of books according to the authors’ original audience and chronology, Acts timeline synced with Paul, clarifying additions to the text made obvious to the reader, emphasis on bringing clarity to Messianic Jewish understanding, alternative manuscripts represented through extensive footnotes, and much more!
Ideal for Jewish believers in Yeshua, the MJLT NCS also uniquely provides Gentile believers and Jewish seekers with an accurate and faithful rendering of the original biblical text that helps to reveal and make better sense of the Messianic Jewish message of the New Covenant Scriptures.
Lori Gilmour –
Oh! My! Goodness! I Love this format and translation… ! As I read the scriptures, I find myself reading slower as to fully be able to absorb It! ….And the Hebrew words, glossary… it’s all there to reference. I’m so grateful…. yep! It’s THE PERFECT WORD!
Gary (verified owner) –
A superb rendering of the “new testament”. The book order is the best I’ve seen and makes great sense. The footnotes and references are of tremendous help. This should be the ONLY “new testament” you read.
Lynn Lee (verified owner) –
This is the best N.T. translation I’ve read and own thus far. It is so rich in Messianic background and understanding. Not to mention the cross references. Praises to our King! And a big thanks to our servants who obeyed our King faithfully. Shabbat Shalom. Brother Lynn
Karen Speller (verified owner) –
I love using it with my Torah studies. I ordered the individual books in the 20 book set of The Israel Bible 1917 translation of the Jewish Publication Society from Israel. And use them with the Messianic Literal Translation New Covenant Scriptures. Love all these books put together for reading and study, think they are a beautiful fit together. So yes this book was worth the wait. Glad it’s in my library.
Barbara L Cook (verified owner) –
I love this translation. The format is very precise and very easily understood. Was not disappointed in this purchase.
Lee (verified owner) –
Glad to have the new translation but would have preferred to have “YHWH” (name) in place of “God” (title) for more authentic Hebrew. Overall we are happy to support this work and openit blesses many people.
Kevin Geoffrey –
While the MJLT NCS does use both “God” and “ADONAI” (in small caps), יחוח (“YHVH,” the “Sacred Name”) actually appears fifteen times, when warranted by context. Similarly, Elohiym (or Elohei or Eloheinu) in Hebrew, rather than “God,” is used almost three dozen times. There is an entire section of the MJLT NCS introduction that addresses how we approached the Sacred Name. Thanks for your review.
Kay Fisher (verified owner) –
My husband and I have waited over thirty years for a resource like MJLT. When this pot of gold arrived at the end of the rainbow, And we began to read this precious Word, we both took a breath of the Living Word into our souls, mind, heart and bodies. I cannot even describe the joy and satisfaction we both experienced at reading this literal translation., hungering for so long and searching for truth away from the hellenization of the Word, the true Word. So refreshing, and indeed so precious.
This is for us, just me and my husband. We so desperately want to share this with those we love so much, but I believe they must first possess the hunger for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, to receive this translation of The Way, so long ago written when He walked His earth.
Many of our friends and family that have sat so long in church, can hardly pronounce the Names and certain words on the Bible, much less this translation. So, again, I believe a soul must hunger and thirst for righteousness and want the whole truth as He so intended to give it and did give it, not the wolves interpreting for the sheep, those who come to indeed steal, kill and destroy.
So thankful every day I live to be called out of darkness, into -IN TO- His marvelous light. The Lord bless you and your family so much, for this labor of love of the Word.
James Wells (verified owner) –
interesting renderings for ‘names’ & timeline, much I don’t ‘like’ personally, but use of Young’s is good choice IMO
Doc Hoover (verified owner) –
I started with a detailed study of the glossary. As a novice Hebrew student, I was thrilled with the knowledge provided. A unique and valuable resource.
Audrey Chamberlain (verified owner) –
Words fail to describe all the wonderful features of this translation. I am in awe of the amount of work that went into this project. I like the groupings of the books which gives more understanding of the historical timeline. It is a joy to read!
Marc Hiatt (verified owner) –
I am thoroughly enjoying the MJLT. Based on Young’s Literal Translation, the additional Hebrew for certain names and places is very helpful. The explanatory glossary in the back is very good for further Hebrew study and understanding. I would recommend the MJLT for anyone who is a Messianic Jew or Gentile, or a Christian interested in exploring and understanding the Hebraic roots of their faith. The introduction is very helpful to understanding the purpose and role of this version.
Kaaren Craig (verified owner) –
Love it! Wonderful addition and resource with other translations
Robert Ackerman (verified owner) –
An exciting new version of the the B’rit Chadasha! I especially like the Hebrew vowel-pointed words and the inclusion of notes about the various manuscripts. It also eliminates the scribal additions of many versions. I highly recommend it!
Leelia Cornell (verified owner) –
I love this translation, and I can’t put it down. As I read the introduction, I was greatly impressed with the amount of research, prayer, and effort that was put into this to make it as accurate as possible. My life’s mission has centered on getting the Word of God into the heart language of people. When I began to understand Hebrew, I also began to realize we don’t really have the correct rendering, and we miss so much. I have many different translations so I can compare and endeavor to decipher what God is really saying to me. The MJLT NCS, in my opinion is the clearest rendition of God’s Word I have found. I recommend it highly.
Bill Scott (verified owner) –
What a breath of fresh air. Mind-boggling but mind-blessing! Great assistance to spiritual growth.
Arthur (verified owner) –
The MJLT has greatly enhanced my New Covenant studies and I rely on it to give me a clearer perspective of the Scriptures. God’s blessings on you and your ministry!
Catherine Ragonese (verified owner) –
I am thrilled that this MJLT is finally here! It was like waiting for the birth of a baby…but so well worth the wait. Its excellence has inspired me to continue in my Hebraic roots study. Each time I pick it up to read, I am inspired by Ruach Hakodesh to more deeply understand the passages of the sacred writings of our Adonai Elohim. Thank you so much for your time, devotion and your love for HIS WORD.
Aggie and David Henley (verified owner) –
The MJLT is perfect. I would’ve paid twice the asking price. The reading of Acts, with Paul’s letters is fantastic. I think I’ll be getting a better understanding. How awesome is God, that he chose you to write it…
Chavah Avraham (verified owner) –
Love it, it is a wonderful addition to my library. I know it is going to be helpful in my studies.
Herbert J Brooks (verified owner) –
A quality printing and useful tool.
Calvin Clousing (verified owner) –
I love it. It is so easy to read and understand. It is great reading the Hebrew names.
Pam Reardon (verified owner) –
When asked to submit a review of my purchase of the Messianic Jewish Literal Translation of the Gospels and Epistles and The Revelation of Yeshua Ha Mashiach , I considered trying to express my heart, my feelings, my deepest joy, the witness that came over my spirit when I held this beautiful, hard bound book in my hands. Honestly, I knew any attempt at describing the gratitude and glory that overcame me would be grossly inadequate. When I read a review by Kay Fisher (verified owner) – written on November 24, 2018, I said: “Yeah, that’s it. That’s what I wanted to say. I wanted to talk about the long, painful famine; the thirst; the searching and then – the satisfaction. I wanted to say: “This is for ME”, but alas, Kay said it best: The MJLT is the most pure, literal translation of the “New Testament” we may ever see. . The only thing left for me to say is that of the very few ministries that I trust, none is held in higher regard that The Perfect Word and of all the teachers there are out there, bringing the message of a Jewish Messiah, there is no one I trust to get it right more than Kevin Geoffrey – I know of no teacher, anywhere, who is more honest and whose integrity outshines Kevin’s devotion to The Perfect Word. I cherish you Kevin, and I cherish this time shattering work. I bless you in the name of Yehovah and I thank you from the depths of my soul. My heart melts when I hold this powerful gift in my hands. Obviously, your years of meticulous labor were not in vain. .
Valorie Minch (verified owner) –
Wow! I’m really enjoying the literal translation! This is a powerful resource for study.
Michael J Priest (verified owner) –
The MJLT is like no other translation I have read. I particularly like the way that the Hebrew names and places are used rather than English. At the same time the text itself reads much like modern English. (Literal translation) Changing the order (sequence) of the Books Very refreshing. On the downside, I wish it was possible to have come out with the entire Bible rather than the New Testament alone. Are there plans for a MJLT of the Tanakh?
Gary (verified owner) –
This was my second order. I am giving this book to my friends who are just coming to the Messianic viewpoint. All I can say is that is a GREAT translation. Kevin also answers questions very promptly.
Elaine (verified owner) –
The meticulous attention to detail and intuitive organization of the work, which I have come to expect from Kevin Geoffrey and his teaching , opens up a whole new dimension of the encounter with the Word for a “ big picture, global learning style” person like me.
The reviews above express better than I the features and magnitude of the MJLT that recommend considering this work to enhance your faith adventure.
Thank you, Kevin.
Mrs. Leelia Cornell (verified owner) –
I have always wanted to know the the exact understanding of scripture. So many translations don’t render His Word as it should be. I love this translation since it is word for word just as it was written. It makes God’s truth stand out and very well understood. I can’t lay it down. I am very grateful for this translation. The copy I just purchased is a gift for my son. He liked mine and wanted one for himself and his family..
Mrs. Leelia Cornell (verified owner) –
I always wanted to know exactly what God’s Word was saying. There are many translations, and they may not be rendered in the way the original text intended. I love this translation because it is word for word exactly as it was intended. It brings the truth of God’s Word to life and I understand perfectly. I can’t lay it down. I’ve read this all so many times, but with the literal translation, it is like the first time. The copy I just purchased was a gift for my son who saw mine and wanted one for himself and his family.
Mrs. Leelia Cornell (verified owner) –
I have lost track of how many of the MJLT I have ordered. I have my own hard cover which is the only New Covenant translation I read because the actual meaning of God’s Word is so much clearer, but I have ordered many as gifts. The latest MJLT l ordered was given to a pastor friend of mine whom I have known since he was a little boy. He received his Masters Degree in Hebraic studies. He stands with the Messianic Jewish believers. He was thrilled with this gift. Leelia Cornell
Bob –
Very informative & helps understanding of the roots of our faith.
cathee (verified owner) –
Excellent! Thank you for your devotion to God’s word!
Trish (verified owner) –
I thank God for the time and effort it took to do this for anyone willing to learn more about our Savior. Every part of it is a blessing, even the introduction. I’ve been blessed by his podcasts and newsletters as well. I just wish it came in digital form so I could copy and take notes in my studies. Is there a chance that might be available in the future? Hint, Hint! Thanks, Kevin!
Patricia Collins (verified owner) –
I had been waiting for this translation for so long and am so blessed by it. I can only imagine all the labor and time that went into bringing this to the reader and am forever grateful.
Arlette C (verified owner) –
This is the best english translation I have had the pleasure to read and it has become my go to book for studies
I Highly suggest this translation Thank you
Serena Fincel (verified owner) –
I bought this as a Hanukkah present for my husband. He really loves it. He is in the process of starting a congregation and finds this book to be a wonderful resource. We can hardly wait for more books by this author.
Alecia (verified owner) –
I love this translation! Very thankful to have it! So many times, we miss out on the context or culture of the moment when the word was written. The MJLT helps to understand more of the context and the way that words were used, and the full meaning in a way that is easy to read and comprehend! I love going back and forth between my study Bible and this translation! Thank you!!
Holly (verified owner) –
The Holy Spirit speaks clearly in this translation and brings peace to my heart. This version of the New Covenant is my anchor.
thank you Perfect Word Ministries, you live up to your name!
Eric (verified owner) –
It’s my favorite NT translation. Accurate and easy to read and the incorporation of Hebrew really enhances the experience of reading God’s Word. I agree with the translators thoughts that all we desire is the most accurate literal translation of the Word. Just the facts please.
Eric (verified owner) –
The best translation I have come across. Very close to literal and the inclusion of Hebrew words is a genuine plus along with the glossary. Just the literal words of the original authors.
Susan Forsberg (verified owner) –
My husband recently started using this as part of his daily Bible study. He likes the extensive glossary and the placing of the books in the correct timeline. Easy to read and understand.
Richard Sorel (verified owner) –
This translation has restored my confidence in approaching the New Testament scriptures, with assurance, conviction and hope.
John H. –
Really enjoy reading this literal translation, can’t wait for the Tanakh to be published.