Our Staff

“Allow me to introduce you to Perfect Word’s ‘Staff,’ a.k.a. my family. I am very proud that everyone in the Geoffrey household is happy to be serving Adonai, and that He has called us to serve Him together as a family. The following ‘job descriptions’ will give you a glimpse into the regular operations of Perfect Word.” -KG


Wife; Mother; Homeschool Teacher; Editor; Graphic Designer; Consultant, Fixer of stuff; Wrangler and comforter of boys and men



Video Animation, Editing and Post Production; Graphic Design; Customer Service Representative; Firebrand for Yeshua; Comedy Relief

Hosea (18)

Hosea (18)

Mailroom Manager; Order Fulfillment; Inventory Specialist; Coder; Editor; Food Services; Domestic Services; Absorber of all knowledge in the known universe

Asher (11)

Asher (11)

Assistant to the Mailroom Manager; Sanitation Engineer; Head of Document Security (a.k.a. Paper Shredder); Morale Officer (a.k.a. President in Charge of Cute)

Why does Kevin look like this? You would, too, if you had his “job description”…

Founder; Director; President; Equipper; Teacher; Author; Layout and Desktop Publishing; Graphic Design; Videographer; Communications; Advertising, Sales, and Marketing; Purchasing; Computer Services (IT); Recording Engineer; Social Networking; Equipment Maintenance and Repair; Delivery and Transportation Services; Blessed Husband; Proud Father

Directors & Advisors

Jonathan Bernis
Kevin Geoffrey
Scott Volk

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18 replies
  1. Lyle & Brenda Dauber
    Lyle & Brenda Dauber says:

    Everyone has an important job. And from where we sit, it seems everyone does it well. We very much love all the messages and material that we receive. Pleese tell Josiah that we could use him on our staff stuffing envelopes.

    Lyle Dauber

  2. Cheryl
    Cheryl says:

    Amazing group of workers! I speak from a heart that just glows when I see their commitment! (I’m thinking that the smiles on the faces delights Adonai so much as the jobs are done with with such a heart of happiness!)

  3. Tamara G. Battice
    Tamara G. Battice says:

    You have a great staff!!! Efficient, effective and most of all, they love Adonai and you!!!! Shalom to you and your family and I pray that you had a most blessed shabbat!

  4. Pastors Gil & Brenda Kaplan
    Pastors Gil & Brenda Kaplan says:

    What a beautiful, gifted, loving and anointed family/staff. We pray 2011 will be a year of awesome breakthrough, fulfillment of all your heart’s desires and dreams, excellent health, great favor, new revelations, increased anointing, many opportunities to be light in dark places and that every need you may have be met abundantly. We love and appreciate you and the work you’re doing in God’s kingdom.

  5. susan
    susan says:

    awsome no argueing with the head ceo rite? so how do you promote from head of cuteness ? and i love that picture of you in the corner i can really relate to that one LOL

  6. Mister Rick
    Mister Rick says:

    What a team! If you saw them in action, you’d agree that there’s nothing “regular” about the operations of Perfect Word! Thanks for the glimpse ~

  7. Barbara
    Barbara says:

    Kevin and family,
    I do so enjoy your “Ministry Update” and always look forward to your prayer requests. The messages in “Issues” are always so helpful. To be honest, I have fallen in love with your ministry and look forward to any and all correspondence.
    Is there a book in the making for Gentiles?

  8. Vidya Seebalack
    Vidya Seebalack says:

    thank you kevin and your beautiful family for the wonderful work you all are doing for our Lord and Saviour Yeshua.May He Bless you all abundantly, now and forever.

  9. Aggie Henley
    Aggie Henley says:

    As much as I ADORE this family, I would love to see this ministry grow. I would really love to see this ministry gain wider recogniton, and for that to happen, there would need to be volunteers and/or hired help. Join with me in prayer that if it be God’s will, He will provide the means to do it.

  10. Eric Sperger
    Eric Sperger says:

    Great looking family that all love Yeshua! You are indeed a “rich” man Kevin as your family and ministry testify to.


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