Entries by Kevin Geoffrey

"Should I Convert?"

Q: Dear Kevin, my identity is in Yeshua, and this identity connects me to Israel. I am not Jewish by birth, but I am an heir to the seed of Avraham. So, as a Messianic Believer, should I convert?? Personally, I feel I should, but am seeking guidance on the matter. Shalom

Identifying with an Invisible God

“So Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, ‘Men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all respects. For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription, “TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.” Therefore what you worship in ignorance, […]

Kevin’s Got "Issues"

The following is adapted from the introduction to the inaugural edition of Messianic Jewish Issues. Let’s face it: we all have issues—some of us more than others—and the sooner we admit it, the better! Of course, I am poking fun at the title of our new publication, Messianic Jewish Issues, which was deliberately named for […]

"Am I Really a Gentile?"

Q: Dear Kevin, an old friend of mine discovered that he and his family were actually descended from Jewish bloodlines, and he dropped out of the Gentile churches and became a Messianic Jew. He suggested that I myself may also be descended from Jewish roots. In fact, he seems convinced that I am, based upon […]

Making Disciplnals

Please believe I am not bragging when I say that for many years now, people from all over the world have found the Messianic devotionals I have written to be helpful and inspiring for their daily walk in Yeshua. I give all glory and praise to Adonai for this, because whatever encouragement or insight I […]

Happy New Year???

It’s what everyone all over the world isn’t saying today… and why should they? After all, it’s the middle of March, and nothing around us offers even a hint that a new year has begun. Indeed, most of us haven’t even a clue that a new month has arrived (“Rosh Chodesh,” or New Moon), much […]

Determining the Calendar

I would like to share a recent exchange I had with one of our enews subscribers who questioned the manner in which we determined the date of Passover this year. A little background for those of you unfamiliar with the nature of the debate: it centers on the reliability of the established Jewish Calendar versus […]

Behold the Lamb Messianic Haggadah

We are very excited to announce the release of the newly revised (and hopefully final!) edition of Behold the Lamb, a Scripture-based Haggadah for a modern, Messianic Passover memorial ‘avodah (Hebrew for “service”, “rite”, or “ceremony”). The Passover experience facilitated by Behold the Lamb is an uncommon, untraditional departure from the usual Passover seder, set […]